Welcome to NY HAM!

An online community serving amatuer radio enthusiasts
in New York and beyond!.

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Useful Sites

Check out these other sites that about ham radio in NY.

Upstate Ham

All upstate, all amatuer radio.

Western New York Ham

Resources for Western NY Section.


Oneida County Traffic & Emergency Net


American Radio Relay League

ARRL Eastern New York

Resources for Eastern NY Section.

Parks on the Air

Get out and activate!

Fast and Easy Amateur Radio Testing

The ALLNY VE team is honored to be a part of your journey in to amatuer radio!


Pick the exam session that works best for you, register and pay the exam fee.

Remember: Have your FCC FRN handy - register an FRN if you don't have one.


Study and prepare for your exam. Once you are consistently scoring 80-85% you are ready to go! Hamstudy.org is a great resource for practice tests and exam review.

Pass Exam

On exam day you'll recieve a zoom link. You'll need a device with a webcam (ie. computer or tablet) to take the exam on and a second device (ie. smartphone). Don't forget some form of ID!

Exam Day Info

Applicant Identification

  • At the start of the online exam session, a valid photo ID must be shown to the VE team. Valid ID types include: driver’s licenses, passports or other government-issued ID.
  • If an applicant is under the age of 13, a completed COPPA form is required. Download and complete then email it to coppa@examtools.org AND ny.ham.team@gmail.com.

Prepare your exam room

The VE Team’s goal is to guide you smoothly through the exam process. The integrity of the exam environment and your ability to take the exam uninterrupted is essential.

During the exam:

  1. No other people are allowed in the exam room. Inform other family members or roommates to avoid entering the room during your exam.
  2. Clear your room of all non-exam materials, notes, books, posters, or items that might aid in testing.
  3. Clear your exam table and floor of ALL items within reach or view that would raise suspicions, such as papers, sticky notes, electronic items, headphones, or other items unnecessary for your exam.
  4. Remove any wearable technology, such as Google glasses, Smart Watches, earbuds etc.
  5. Additional computer screens and TVs in your field of vision need to be covered.

Prepare your computer

The VE Team must ensure the integrity of the test delivery system. Be sure your computer can handle these parameters.

  1. You’ll need a computer with a webcam, microphone, and speakers. Occasionally, an additional device may be needed if technology issues prevent your computer from being used. available.
  2. You’ll also need a cell phone (or other camera emailed device) to link to the same Zoom meeting. This device will be used to scan your test environment, then placed nearby to observe you and your keyboard during the exam. Note: Only video is required for this device, DO NOT join audio with this device.
  3. Terminate/Close non-essential applications. During the exam ONLY Zoom, a web browser and calculator can be running.
  4. Your computer must be connected to reliable internet service. Avoid attempting an exam in a room with weak wifi. An interrupted internet connection can void your exam session.
  5. Headsets / Earbuds / Headphones/ Smart Watches / Smart Eyewear / Physical Calculators are not allowed.
  6. Verify all devices used during testing has enough battery power, is plugged in or fully charged.
  7. No Virtual Backgrounds may be applied to your Zoom video feed.
  8. To expedite your session, download and test-run Zoom on your computer and phone well in advance of your test session. You will receive your Zoom meeting invitation by email just prior to your exam. Watch for your email invitation minutes before your test!

Note: The exam session may be terminated for non-compliance with instructions.